Nekustamie īpašumi

Land plots

Land plots Land for commercial construction in Valmiera for sale

Short Overview

Land for commercial construction in Valmiera for sale.

The plot of land is located in the district of Vidzeme Hospital - in the quarter of Somu, Alvils Freimaņa, Eduards Lācera and Rīgas streets.

Nearby are such companies as: CSDD, PROMO Cash & Carrry, STOKKER, car service "Birums", Tehauto. Purpose of land use - public construction territory.

An ideal place to build a shopping center!

Price for all 55 EUR / m2 or price for 2 pcs. 65 EUR / m2.

1.8832 ha

Explore Floor Plan


Valmiera: Rīgas Street 39, LV-4201
Cesis: Raunas Street 15, LV-4101
Valka: Rīgas Street 11, LV-4701

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Phone: +(371) 642 07022

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