Land for commercial construction in Valmiera for sale.
The plot of land is located in the district of Vidzeme Hospital - in the quarter of Somu, Alvils Freimaņa, Eduards Lācera and Rīgas streets.
Nearby are such companies as: CSDD, PROMO Cash & Carrry, STOKKER, car service "Birums", Tehauto. Purpose of land use - public construction territory.
An ideal place to build a shopping center!
Price for all 55 EUR / m2 or price for 2 pcs. 65 EUR / m2.
1.8832 ha
Valmiera: Rīgas Street 39, LV-4201
Cesis: Raunas Street 15, LV-4101
Valka: Rīgas Street 11, LV-4701
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Phone: +(371) 642 07022
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