Nekustamie īpašumi

Land plots

Land plots Land unit for sale in Skulte parish

Short Overview

A land unit of 2.8 ha is for sale in Limbazi municipality, near the village of Varza. Opportunities for property development in a strategically advantageous location!

Currently, the main purpose of land use is agricultural land, but public construction is also allowed as an additional use.

Strategically advantageous location on the side of the Tallinn highway (Motorway A1 (Riga - Estonian border)), near the village of Varza, opposite the Skulte VIADA, only 1.5 km from the seashore.

More information - by calling the indicated phone number.

2.8 ha

Explore Floor Plan


Valmiera: Rīgas Street 39, LV-4201
Cesis: Raunas Street 15, LV-4101
Valka: Rīgas Street 11, LV-4701

Contact information

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +(371) 642 07022

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